On Hold

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Well my dream of teeny tiny toes is going to have to be put on hold. My A1C shot up to a 7.7!! I can't believe it and according to my blood sugar numbers my doctor can't believe it either. She had blood drawn to run it at the lab just to double check. Either way 7.7 is WAY too high for a safe pregnancy and of course I want to do all I can to prevent birth defects so I'll be holding off on TTC until my # is back where it should be.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Farewell Aunt Flo!

Hello baby dancing!!!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Aunt Flo is packing up to leave probably today or tomorrow.

I still haven't been temping like I should but I never get up at a consistent time so that makes it difficult.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Not much going on since AF is here....

CD 1

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yup, Aunt Flo reared her ugly head this morning.

12 DPO

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Fat NEGATIVE on the First Response test this morning.

Brought some trusty Tampax to work with me as I'm sure AF will arrive shortly.

Blood sugars still wacky today but seem to be better than yesterday so far.

Pee on a stick results

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big fat NEGATIVE. Stark white. Not even the faintest HINT of a line.
Also more brown spotting. May see AF tomorrow.....

11 DPO

This morning my bbs still feel bruised but not sore and achy as I would expect with pregnancy. The entire drive to work I had an odd twinge/pain on the left side of my abdomen. Still feels odd off and on now. Last night I went to bed early and got up in the night to pee which is highly unusual unless I have some water before bed which I didn't. My blood sugars have been abnormally high lately. In the 200's before I eat. I'd correct, calculate my carbs and it'd start heading down. Next meal....200+ again. WTF? I'm 2 days away from expected AF and my fingers and toes are crossed!

Update - just had a teeny tiny bit of brown spotting. Maybe a dime sized amount in underwear. (Too much information, I know, Sorry) At first I was depressed about it but could it possibly be implantation? I'm just really concerned that I can't explain my rise in blood sugars. Called the DR this morning and I have an appointment next Thursday but my pump co-ordinator is going to call today to see if I need to adjust my basal rate.

Another update - There's a lot going on today. The ladies on the TTC forum I belong too seem convinced that this is it, even with the spotting issue. So at lunch I bought a First Response and I'll try to wait until tomorrow morning but I bought the 2 pack just in case my willpower faulters. DR still hasn't called back and my sugar was too high just before lunch again. I corrected and went on but if she doesn't call back soon I'll just adjust my basal rate myself.

Update #3 - My DR just called. She adjusted my basal rates a little. She seems to think I'm pregnant as well. I hope she's right.

Bruised BBs

Monday, June 8, 2009

So I googled the word "bruised BBs 10 DPO" today and from what I read some women had "bruised feeling bbs" around 9-12 DPO. Huh, bruised bbs are actually an early sign.
Maybe this isn't all in my head???.....

10 DPO

hmmm...not many changes. BBs still tender but otherwise I feel fine. It seems a little odd to me that my bbs have been sore for so long but with that said I feel no other symptoms. They feel a wierd kind of sore too....almost as if they're bruised. It's hard to explain. Hubby said this morning they look bigger but I think he's just trying to make me feel better.
We'll see if AF shows up on Thursday or not. Fingers crossed..........


Sunday, June 7, 2009

BBs still tender this morning. I napped yesterday and today which is unusual for me but I was also woken up very early both mornings by the dog. We're dog-sitting a lab puppy and my boxer seems to know when the puppy wakes up and immediately starts whining to let her out of our bedroom so they can play. Needless to say I napped for 2 hours both days but still feel a little drained.

With my last pregnancy I didn't feel any symptoms until around 6 weeks when I tested so these could just be in my head. Although my chest wasn't sore until 8 DPO last cycle which is a little off. Oh, well, fingers crossed...


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Today marks 8 DPO and my bbs are still tender. Not painful as they were at 6 DPO but still noticeable. I had some odd twinges today as well. Still waiting for either Aunt Flo or the 17th to test. Whichever comes first.... This two week wait is awful!


Friday, June 5, 2009

Well I did remember to take my temp this morning but my bbs were not as sore this morning as the past few days....which probably means it was just the progesterone from ovulation not a pregnancy sign.

We'll see in a few days. AF ("Aunt Flo", Period) is due around the 11th. My fertility software says I should test on the 17th if AF hasn't shown up yet. We'll see......


Thursday, June 4, 2009

6 DPO and my chest was still sore this morning. Little headache this afternoon but I also didn't have coffee this morning which tends to give me a headache.

I broke out my basal thermometer last night and put it on my nightstand in hopes to start temping. Of course the alarm went off this morning and I hit snooze 12 times and then got up, forgetting all about temping.

Will try to remember tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Today I'm officially 5 Days Past Ovulation (DPO). I'm not holding out much hope for this month as my husband was out of town on ovulation day. Well, we did the baby dance in the morning and then he went out of town so there is a small shot at victory.

I had a really bad headache yesterday and just felt off. Last night and today my bbs (squeamish about this topic so I'm not explaining the abbreviation) are a little sore. I've read that could be the Progesterone making them sore this soon after ovulation confirming that I did actually ovulate. OR....it could be an early sign of pregnancy. I'm trying not to think about it.

Fingers crossed!


My main purpose for this blog is to have an outlet for my feelings during this roller coaster ride of trying to conceive.

Before my husband was my husband we conceived our first child unexpectedly in 2005 and were over the moon but terrified - as we should have been. I'm a Type 1 diabetic and at the time my blood sugars were all over the place. Needless to say we lost the baby at 3 1/2 months.

As we slowly healed from this loss we discussed future children and my health. I jumped into tight blood sugar control head first and my numbers slowly dropped towards where they should be.

Fast forward to today....my husband and I married in 2008, I'm now an insulin pump user (and will NEVER go back to the old way), my numbers are where they should be and we've been given the thumbs up by the doctor to start "actively" trying to conceive. When my diabetes was poorly controlled my period was out of whack as well. I had one maybe 3 times a year. Since starting the pump I'm back on a normal 28-38 day cycle. Since we've gotten the ok I've been using Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) to test for ovulation and charting a little. I'm just starting to get the hang of it. The good news is I'm getting positives on the OPKs now (I hadn't been while my sugars were whacky) which means in all probability that I am ovulating. I was very concerned that I wasn't.

To make a long story short, welcome to my blog. If you know terms like DH, OPK, BPF, POAS and the like, have dreams of teeny tiny toes every night and are TTC as well, you've come to right place.
