11 DPO

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This morning my bbs still feel bruised but not sore and achy as I would expect with pregnancy. The entire drive to work I had an odd twinge/pain on the left side of my abdomen. Still feels odd off and on now. Last night I went to bed early and got up in the night to pee which is highly unusual unless I have some water before bed which I didn't. My blood sugars have been abnormally high lately. In the 200's before I eat. I'd correct, calculate my carbs and it'd start heading down. Next meal....200+ again. WTF? I'm 2 days away from expected AF and my fingers and toes are crossed!

Update - just had a teeny tiny bit of brown spotting. Maybe a dime sized amount in underwear. (Too much information, I know, Sorry) At first I was depressed about it but could it possibly be implantation? I'm just really concerned that I can't explain my rise in blood sugars. Called the DR this morning and I have an appointment next Thursday but my pump co-ordinator is going to call today to see if I need to adjust my basal rate.

Another update - There's a lot going on today. The ladies on the TTC forum I belong too seem convinced that this is it, even with the spotting issue. So at lunch I bought a First Response and I'll try to wait until tomorrow morning but I bought the 2 pack just in case my willpower faulters. DR still hasn't called back and my sugar was too high just before lunch again. I corrected and went on but if she doesn't call back soon I'll just adjust my basal rate myself.

Update #3 - My DR just called. She adjusted my basal rates a little. She seems to think I'm pregnant as well. I hope she's right.